
Anton Gasser

Ruth Deutschmann
Benjamin Epp
But today it's not bad. Today, they themselves have been a couple of little machine. In a few days if the weather cooperates, it is again closed. Today you can make bales. We used a lot with "Sweden" tabs ". Because we had no carriage, and the farmers have used such horses themselves necessary. Then we have stamped it - know very well what a "Sweden is riding" - All three meters a rod, a tension wire in between. And then hang up, three inches above a wire again, and maybe that four in a row. We have occasionally hung all the fields. Then you could wait until it was favorable. And otherwise, if after the rain comes, what to do with the stuff. But that has not played such a role, because only the first part is wet and not the bottom three. After that, we still had a good feed. But they are doing so today, no more. The thing there, the "Stadtler" father below, makes the later possibly with a reward and a murder Trumm machine. Which is then wound up. After he gets it together and stops in winter apart, and goes again. That would not have gone before because it has not once given, I know where the device? will probably come from America, the patent. The do today, but most of them. Lots are only part-time farmers. We have three in the town that can live on it. The other, not all. They go to work, and often, God knows where. Then he comes home, he must hire someone. Yes, he pays stop, but he is ready. And now the pastures are now the same. If hineingefahren, a sack of salt lick and a guardian for the wine. And I know he is in the Lienz Hütte fill up a little, and then he is not the whole summer so. Because he is happy if he does not see the critters! They are young farmers who have no great interest, if he knows God is working where. Who knows in the fall not even all that he has introduced into.